суббота, 11 июля 2015 г.

Week 39 Good everning everybody! I am glad to write you again!

My amazing summer…
(Затока саміт)

 This summer was super for me! At first our classmaters from  four groups which learn English during this year finally have been met in the nice town -  Zatoka near Odessa city- baza   Nadzbrucha.  

We could spoke about this course with them. I have seen finally our teachers from each of groups. It was Poltava, Uhgorod, Kiev and Odessa. I had the opportunities to met and spoke with all of them in real life.

Everybody from us lived in the little building in two persons. it was comfortable double rooms.  

Every day was amazing and had a lot of pleasure surprises for us. Our teachers have prepared very interesting programmes - there were a lot of  kvests, discussions and role- games in English, presentations of each from groups, game Secret friend. Each day our teachers prepared  interesting topics about USA. 

Every evening I went on the night beach with my friends - we liked to see on the moon way! It was very romantic moment for me!

We listened to the lections about discrimination and rights of the people with disabilities in our country and other countries. Each of us could tell own opinion about it. We have known a lot of interesting information from these topics .

The weather was super every day – it was't very hot and sea were delicate and each of us could swam in it every day. We often went there. Also we could  go to the café which situated near our baza. 

There was the Independence Day of USA in this period. Оur teachers prepared very interesting topic about USA- it was slides, they told history about this country and we played in the games about USA. 

Our teachers have prepared some books in English (easy level) for us and everybody who wanted - read it.

And in the last days of our meeting we have got Certificate about the end of our English course, took part in the last party in English stile and went to sea - to met sunset in the beach. It was  very romantic moment for me!!! I felt super! It was a little  rain in this night but we had a nice mood – we joked  and laughed.
But we must go home. It moment was very sad for everybody! We went home but anybody from us  did not want to  leave  this  place!  

It was super time for me !! I WANT TO SAY THANKS our teachers and my classmates for very useful and interesting time and our rest in this nice part of Ukraine!!!!! I have a lot of photos on the memory! 

Later our sport command went to other nice piece of our Poltava region (Semenivka) where we also took part in the sport  competition. 

Our head was Chumak S.A. We lived in the children camp. There was a very beautiful place with a nice river where live swans. I did not see these birds a few years ago!  

Besides there was a forest in this territory and I liked to walk by it! Also there was Village's Day in that period and we were invited to club on the consert. After that there was show on the beach of the  river .We were treated by  delicious poridge   
 We was few days in it – our team from Chutovo took one of the first place on it.  

After that our sport team from Poltava region and Odessa team went to the nice piece of our country(near Kotelva) with our head Chumak S A. We lived in the camps for three days. Our team was not very large but we were very friendly. Organization of our rest was very good!  

In these days we had great program! We took part in the different kind of sport such as dartz, chess, volleyball, run in wheelchairs. Besides there was nice river not far from our camps and every day we swam in it. Also we had field kitchen and excellent cookers! I liked to live in the camps! Camp in which I lived was very large and there was very joke and laugh in it! 

Every day we went to the river, then played in the different kinds of sport games! And (as a rule) every night all people sat near big fireplace and sang songs. 
At the end of our rest all members of the teams have got diplomas for their win in this competition.

That is all my dear reader!

понедельник, 22 июня 2015 г.

Week 38. 21.06.2015-29.06.2015. Summer holidays. Second world war start.

22.06.2015 we talked about Second War- we watched a few video about this event... Also Ruslana asked what we have learnt during our study of this course...Step by step.... And she watched which skills we have learnt!!  Ruslana talked in English and I UDERSTOOD all that she said.  It was wonderful for me because 6 months before i did not understand her. 

Besides we learnt  some words (things) which we will take in Zatoka and use it  -  where we  will be learn and rest.... We all meet  soon there ( I hope)..

суббота, 20 июня 2015 г.

week 37.. 13- th of June-20-th of June. Father"s Day. Plan for future.

week 37. 13-th of June-20-th of June.

Week 37. Father"s Day. Our future plans....
DATE -13th of  June -20 th  of  June.

On the on - line meeting, which we had 15, 20 of  June  Ruslana talked about Farther's Day, which we celebrate in our country the twentith of June. Teacher showed a nice video about this holiday. 

Then we read and translated a little text about Farter"s Day. Ruslana told when it took beginning.Then each of pupils had to describe OWN father, used the adjectives of character person. Then we had disscution about this Day in many countries.

Besides we have disscussed our future plans about the rest in Zatoka- our future plans there.I think it will be cool - beacause we will go with cool teacher and nice and our interesting col classmaters there! It will be great time!!( I think )..


I hope this trip with our teachers and classmasters will be amazing!!!

Our lesson with Vittoria was super! We had a dictation fo werbs and we have retel the text.WE had a guest from Gadyach- our teacher Ruslana! 

воскресенье, 14 июня 2015 г.




UKRAINE, Poltava,

My experience:    - I work by  specialist of the first category in the social sphere( human resource) -
(2005- 2015)- now;

                             - I worked by the  child psycologist in the  reabilitation centre for the children with some kinds of disabilities

My education : V. G. Korolenko Pedagogical University  ( 1997-2003)
                             - The Psicology faculty; 
                            - The child psycolog and English language; 
                             - The computer course in Lutig
                          (computer operation)- 0,6 months- in the period of my work);

My knowleges: I know computer programmes  WINDOWS, EXEL( such as user), can tipe very quickly, besides I can create Voki, Fotobabble, blogs if you need; 

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, a little English. 



понедельник, 8 июня 2015 г.

WEEK 36 English for future.....Business Plan Structure.

Our lesson on- line which we had 08. 06. 2015  we talked about our future plans and about resume... 
We read resume of a one girl and learnt what aspects must to do in it. We tried to undestand what was wrote in it and about her resume and after text we had a little test about this text.  Then we learnet to do own resume. 

Ruslana showed her resume!!! It is super resume!!!! We have a very clever teacher!! Really!
And we talked about this course- what it given for everybody from us.... 

That is all my dear reader!  

воскресенье, 7 июня 2015 г.


We were invited by our Germany friends to Germany for their competitions in local olimpiada, which they spend every year in Shwerin city. It is city of seven Lakes and  located in the north of Germany. Shwerin it is a small capital of the Land Meclenburg- Pomerania. It is a  seaport city and have a lot of nice ships.

Our Ukrainian team lived in Waren city in the beatiful house-it is twenty kilometers from Shwerin. Germany is a partner of  Ukraine in the olimpiada and Ukrainian President  assotiation of disabled A.S. CHUMAK has a friendly relationship with them. 

We took place  in this event and even have taken the first places in  the some  kinds of sports such as boccha. Besides we had a few excursions:  we were in Swerin Custle and Museum of third levels -sky, water, earth.  It was super excursion!!!!

About architecture: it is a gotic style in Germany I think.... But  all streets has flower beds and very clean! I like it! 

It was super trip!! Thank you my dear reader that you have read this article!

Week 35/2. 1-7 of June. ...Create own portfolio. Camp program for the summer..... And about my sorrow (смуток)......

05.06.2015 .... We had a little sad lesson (for me) beacause it is end of our courses soon.... 

Ruslana talked about grammar:Present Indefinite and Present Continuous Tenses- about the differenses between its and Ruslana have explained it very well for us... Then we repeared four forms of sentenses, we talked about our business planes for the future after finished of  these courses. Also we talked about the plans in Zatoka city.

Teacher explained how we must to do our portfolio and resume...  

That is all my dear reader......

вторник, 26 мая 2015 г.




At - first we talked about the one of the main
events for all people- it was Evrovision. Ruslana have disscused about it with us and we have expressed own views on it.

After we learnt to read the names of countries
(it was cool- for me)!!!! Ruslana expained when we must to put the article and when not.
As for me- it was very usefull. 

Also we have read the text of songs and translated it! It was great lesson!!!!!!!!!!! And we listened the intervju of a Evrovision"s winner and tried to understand what he said. His song was called  - WE ARE HEROES.

There was a one girl from Poland- Monica Kushinska- she is girl on wheelchair-it was amazing for me- and she sung  a song and we tried to understand what about she sung and how she talked with reporters! His song was called -MILLION OF  VOICES! She broke stereotips of our society! 

We have watched Russian video from 
P Gagarina... She sung about PEACE!!!!! No comments!!

Thanks that you have read my article dear reader! 

среда, 20 мая 2015 г.

Week 33. Deportation of the Crimean Tatars .Memorial Day. A litttle grammar-making projects work.Vishivanka"s Day. Nicola"s Day.

In the face to-face meeting, which we had twentith  of May the teacher begun from the dictation as usually. Then we have retold the text about mother and after that teacher asked everybody of us about ours mothers and we tried to describe her in verbal form spontaneously without preparation. It was cool for me beacause i think that we need learn to speak English verbally-we need to speak English more and more. It is cool!   

On the on - line meeting, which we had eigteenth and twenty second of May Ruslana talked about Deportation of the Crimean tatars from Crimea. Then Ruslana have explained our future homework which we must to do! 

We played in very interesting game in the cool site FREERICE-- it was our help for who needs helping in Nepal. Then we had topic which called - making projects work. It was business topic a little and we need to learn new  business words. We had cool text for this topic and new words too. We repeated regular and irregular verbs. 

Also we have talked about Vishivanka"s Day. We had disscussed about selebration of this event in our regions. It was very interesting to heard telling everybody about it. We have taught to build sentenses correctly.Ruslana have showed slides about weather and we read it. And then we found a regular and irregular verbs in a text. At the end we talked about Nicolas Day.

That is all, my dear reader! 

суббота, 16 мая 2015 г.


I dont know what i must to write but I try))) All lessons were super)))))))) At first  - I never knew that I learnt to create computer"s sites on this course - I did not never think that I have taught to creat it! Really. Iis very interesting, usefull and helpfull course.

I never thought that I met a lot of pleasure people here, who would be my friends soon! I am glad that met them! I never knew that I met our two super teachers (really super- it is constatition of fact)... Also I never thought that I will learn English language again. I never knew that my two teachers (Ruslana and Victoria) would be very kindly, profesional persons and really want to help (teach) us! I never thouhgt that I learnt a lot of interesting facts about USA! I have learnt a grammar (почти), verbs, and I also learnt to created own blog and Vocaroo!!

We have talked with people from another countries,we have taught IT- technologies- i think it will gives a lot of skills for use computer and Internet. 

Thank you, my super and proffesional teachers (Ruslana and Victoria) for all lessons,which were very interesting, amazing!! Thank you, my classmates for disscutions and help me! Thank my Poltava"s group for pleasure hours with you! We are very frendly, joy group! Thank for attention!! Best wishes-VIKА Poltava!! I really proud of this course!!!! Thanks for attention!!

вторник, 12 мая 2015 г.

Week 32. Mother"s Day. Europinian Day ....

DATE -11th of  May -18 th  of  May.
Topic:   Mother's  Day.Depotration of the Crimean Tatars....

On the on - line meeting, which we had 11,18 of May Ruslana talked about Mother's Day, which we celebrate in our country the tenth of May. Teacher showed a nice video about this holiday for us,then we read and translated a little text about Mother's Day.Ruslana told when it took beginning.Then each of pupils had to describe OWN mother, used the adjectives of character person.

also we have talked about the Deportation of the Crimean Tatars... Also we talked about Nepal"s acsident and about site Free Rice, when we played in the games-all money will get to Nepal.

We watched the picture of the different painters,played in synonims.It was cool and interesting lesson.

We had a little grammar in our telling but I could not remember all words which we learnt in last topic (I mean adjectives).I was very ashamed.

Also we used Present and Past Simple in our tellings. We talked about this holiday all lesson. One of our classmate even prepared a music surprise for his mother - it was a nice melody on saxophone!! (Ukrainian song-Rushnik). I like saxophone!  

Then we talked about Europinian Day in Ukraine, played in game about all countries and listened Evropinian hymn-Bethoven"s ninth simphony.(music). 

In the face to-face meeting, which we had 13 of May the teacher begun from the dictation of all verbs which we have learnt.Then we have built four types of the questions in pairs, which we learnt earlier in the on–line lesson. For example we asked our classmates about everything used these questions. 

Then we have made dialogues in pairs about picnic and other pupils asked the questions about our dialogues. It was very cоol as for me!After we repeated Present, Past,Future, and Continuous tenses and have built sentences in these times.It was very interesting for us. 

Thenwe had a listening(аудіювання) – it was a little difficult for me beacause a person spoke very quickly and I did not hear him. After that we read a text about Mother's Day and translated it. It was easy for everybody from us.    
That is all! Thank you, dear reader!