вторник, 26 мая 2015 г.




At - first we talked about the one of the main
events for all people- it was Evrovision. Ruslana have disscused about it with us and we have expressed own views on it.

After we learnt to read the names of countries
(it was cool- for me)!!!! Ruslana expained when we must to put the article and when not.
As for me- it was very usefull. 

Also we have read the text of songs and translated it! It was great lesson!!!!!!!!!!! And we listened the intervju of a Evrovision"s winner and tried to understand what he said. His song was called  - WE ARE HEROES.

There was a one girl from Poland- Monica Kushinska- she is girl on wheelchair-it was amazing for me- and she sung  a song and we tried to understand what about she sung and how she talked with reporters! His song was called -MILLION OF  VOICES! She broke stereotips of our society! 

We have watched Russian video from 
P Gagarina... She sung about PEACE!!!!! No comments!!

Thanks that you have read my article dear reader! 

среда, 20 мая 2015 г.

Week 33. Deportation of the Crimean Tatars .Memorial Day. A litttle grammar-making projects work.Vishivanka"s Day. Nicola"s Day.

In the face to-face meeting, which we had twentith  of May the teacher begun from the dictation as usually. Then we have retold the text about mother and after that teacher asked everybody of us about ours mothers and we tried to describe her in verbal form spontaneously without preparation. It was cool for me beacause i think that we need learn to speak English verbally-we need to speak English more and more. It is cool!   

On the on - line meeting, which we had eigteenth and twenty second of May Ruslana talked about Deportation of the Crimean tatars from Crimea. Then Ruslana have explained our future homework which we must to do! 

We played in very interesting game in the cool site FREERICE-- it was our help for who needs helping in Nepal. Then we had topic which called - making projects work. It was business topic a little and we need to learn new  business words. We had cool text for this topic and new words too. We repeated regular and irregular verbs. 

Also we have talked about Vishivanka"s Day. We had disscussed about selebration of this event in our regions. It was very interesting to heard telling everybody about it. We have taught to build sentenses correctly.Ruslana have showed slides about weather and we read it. And then we found a regular and irregular verbs in a text. At the end we talked about Nicolas Day.

That is all, my dear reader! 

суббота, 16 мая 2015 г.


I dont know what i must to write but I try))) All lessons were super)))))))) At first  - I never knew that I learnt to create computer"s sites on this course - I did not never think that I have taught to creat it! Really. Iis very interesting, usefull and helpfull course.

I never thought that I met a lot of pleasure people here, who would be my friends soon! I am glad that met them! I never knew that I met our two super teachers (really super- it is constatition of fact)... Also I never thought that I will learn English language again. I never knew that my two teachers (Ruslana and Victoria) would be very kindly, profesional persons and really want to help (teach) us! I never thouhgt that I learnt a lot of interesting facts about USA! I have learnt a grammar (почти), verbs, and I also learnt to created own blog and Vocaroo!!

We have talked with people from another countries,we have taught IT- technologies- i think it will gives a lot of skills for use computer and Internet. 

Thank you, my super and proffesional teachers (Ruslana and Victoria) for all lessons,which were very interesting, amazing!! Thank you, my classmates for disscutions and help me! Thank my Poltava"s group for pleasure hours with you! We are very frendly, joy group! Thank for attention!! Best wishes-VIKА Poltava!! I really proud of this course!!!! Thanks for attention!!

вторник, 12 мая 2015 г.

Week 32. Mother"s Day. Europinian Day ....

DATE -11th of  May -18 th  of  May.
Topic:   Mother's  Day.Depotration of the Crimean Tatars....

On the on - line meeting, which we had 11,18 of May Ruslana talked about Mother's Day, which we celebrate in our country the tenth of May. Teacher showed a nice video about this holiday for us,then we read and translated a little text about Mother's Day.Ruslana told when it took beginning.Then each of pupils had to describe OWN mother, used the adjectives of character person.

also we have talked about the Deportation of the Crimean Tatars... Also we talked about Nepal"s acsident and about site Free Rice, when we played in the games-all money will get to Nepal.

We watched the picture of the different painters,played in synonims.It was cool and interesting lesson.

We had a little grammar in our telling but I could not remember all words which we learnt in last topic (I mean adjectives).I was very ashamed.

Also we used Present and Past Simple in our tellings. We talked about this holiday all lesson. One of our classmate even prepared a music surprise for his mother - it was a nice melody on saxophone!! (Ukrainian song-Rushnik). I like saxophone!  

Then we talked about Europinian Day in Ukraine, played in game about all countries and listened Evropinian hymn-Bethoven"s ninth simphony.(music). 

In the face to-face meeting, which we had 13 of May the teacher begun from the dictation of all verbs which we have learnt.Then we have built four types of the questions in pairs, which we learnt earlier in the on–line lesson. For example we asked our classmates about everything used these questions. 

Then we have made dialogues in pairs about picnic and other pupils asked the questions about our dialogues. It was very cоol as for me!After we repeated Present, Past,Future, and Continuous tenses and have built sentences in these times.It was very interesting for us. 

Thenwe had a listening(аудіювання) – it was a little difficult for me beacause a person spoke very quickly and I did not hear him. After that we read a text about Mother's Day and translated it. It was easy for everybody from us.    
That is all! Thank you, dear reader!

понедельник, 4 мая 2015 г.

week 30-31... About Present perfect. About War.

06.05.2015 we  had  a  very interesting  lesson! At first we  had a dictation of verbs   as   usually. Then   we   retold   the   article   about   Shakespeare – who was  he, when  and  where  did  he  live, what  he  wrote  (plays).  He was the greatest playwriter and the actor.The most popular Shakespeare’s plays is Romeo and Juliet, King Lir and Hamlet.  

Besides he wrote very beautiful sonnets! I read it on Ukrainian about five years ago – it is really nice! Then we worked with the article about this famous person and  used words WHEN , HOW, WHERE in it ( what  it  means -  it was  our   topic  on  last  weeks). We learned to do sentences with these words. 

Then  we  repeated  four  forms of the questions(general,special, alternative, disunctive, question to the noun).  We  learnt  to  make sentences with  all  types  of  it  in pairs – with the  words WHEN ,   HOW,  WHERE. It was a little difficult  for  us  but we  tried  to  do it!

After that teacher gave new verbs for us. It will be our homework. I must  to learn it!!

And then we begun to learn the new topic – it was Present Perfect.(3 колонка  дiєслiв).  О,  MY  GOD! I learnt  it  before  but  forgot  it  now !  
The teacher  explained how  build this tense and after that everybody from us tried to do sentences in this time.  

Besides the  teacher  gave sentences  to  make  it  in  all  times as а homework (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect). O, yes- also she gave  the text  in Ukrainian  and  we  must  to translate  it  in  English.

07.05.2015 Ruslana talked about war(1939-1945)and Victory Day to her pupils. We had a hot disscution about this event! There was different opinions about it. It was a very cool disscution as for me! Also we watched a parade( video)and saw intervue of one man from USA (maybe)- he told about this event in English. 

Ruslana begun to learn us to listen to the English speeches without translate and subtitres! I think  it is good idea for learning English. We must teach to learn it language in original! 

Then we played in the intelectual game in this topic-we translated sentenses in English and took it from words! Very original exersise!! 

Ruslana was in Berlin and saw Wall of Reystag where was a lot of words on it! It was very nice Ruslana"s trip!( I think).Also we talked about economy, saw the pictures in this theme. At the end of leson we watched the video about Victory Day and song about it! It was super lesson! Thank dear teacher! You are best! 



The tenth of May- Morther"s Day!Mother is.... I have not words))))))))

Валентина Беляева

О материнской любви.

Я... свяжу тебе жизнь... 
Из пушистых мохеровых ниток... 
Я... свяжу тебе жизнь... 
Не солгу ни единой петли... 
Я... свяжу тебе жизнь... 
Где узором по полю молитвы... 
Пожелания счастья... 
В лучах настоящей любви... 
Я... свяжу тебе жизнь... 
Из веселой меланжевой пряжи... 
Я... свяжу тебе жизнь... 
И потом... от души подарю... 
Где я нитки беру? 
Никому... никогда... не признаюсь... 
Чтоб связать тебе жизнь... 
Я тайком распускаю свою..