понедельник, 27 апреля 2015 г.

Aleksey Beleykanych- is unordinary person from Uzhgorod!!



четверг, 23 апреля 2015 г.

Мeeting demobilized village"s boys.

                 HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!!

in the centre of my villlage a hundreds of people in April 8, 2015 have met their defenders (захисників). 

These were our soldiers who took part in the ATO. Pupils organized a pleasure meeting with the flowers, flags, yellow and blue ribbons.  
All people were cried from happiness - mothers, wives, children, friends.

We will win!


Chornobil. Peace atom.

                       Chornobil. Peace atom.

There was opened a monument  in twenty-sixth of April 2013 in our village(Chutovo) for person who participated in clean-station (які брали участь у ліквідації на станції ЧАЕС). It was a very important event for our village. 

This monument was made in the form of an atom and reminds people about this terrible event. People should do everything that an atom was peaceful and never repeated  tragedies such as this. 

среда, 22 апреля 2015 г.

WEEK 29. 21st -28 th OF APRIL . Topic - . Remembering Day. Shaikspiare. Chornobil. Kievan Rus.

 Week 29. Data - 21-st – 28 th  of  April.
Topic - "Newspaper project". Remembering Day.

The 29th week of my learning the English course(20.04.2015,24.04.2015) was interesting as usually. We talked about the traditions of Remembering Monday in the  different regions of our country. 

And then teacher Ruslana talked about the Remembering (Memorial Day) in other countries, for example, USA. It was very interesting! She read about it (articles) from the VERY USEFUL SITE VICIPEDIA (FOR ME)!  Also we had on - line meetings friends from others countries and talked with them in it theme.Allso Ruslana asked them what they know about this acsiedent! But our guests know about Ukraine a few facts-one of it - is CHORNOBIL and our two revolutions. As for me  I am little  upset that we only know these facts of our country- BUT I HOPE WE WILL BE KNOWN AS GREAT COUNTRY SOON THANKS ALSO OTHER GOOD FACTS!!!!   
Teacher told about the formation of Kievan Rus and whom it was formatied. we spoke about Chornobil

Ruslana talked about idioms in English (very interesting, as for me), and explained how we must write correctly some words in this theme(topic). Also we disscussed  the film Forest Gumpt by English and our expressions from it. We even read the text about this person. I liked it  very much.

Teacher spoke that we must watch this movie again but without translate - only in English and try to understand words in it! IT WILL BE HARD FOR ME, BUT I WILL BE TRY TO DO IT!

Ruslana found a partner for everybody to make a dialogues together( in pairs)! It is cool! Ruslana have shown the blog of Natali Mityayeva and Valya Suchar! It is a really super collages!!!

In meeting the students learnt about QUESTIONS WORDS - WHO WHERE WHAT HOW WHICH WHY WHEN. Teacher explained when we used these words. We did exersises in this topic.

24.04.2015 we have  talked with American man on the scype. He told many compliments to our teacher and then he asked us about Shaicspaire: who was he, where did he live, what kind of books he wrote. Then we had disscution about play ROMEO AND JULLETTA. We told what about this play, remembered all characters of it.    

Ruslana gave us a piece of poet"s poem - we read and translated it. Then we found an irregular and regular verbs in these pieces of poem. It was cool!!! Besides we discussed about the future travel to Odessa and  what will have to do there. 

At the end of our lesson we talked about our future homework!! This lesson was cool! 

 That is all!

 In the face- to–face (21.04.2015)  we told about Passive Voice  Simple and built the centences in this time! We  worked  in  the  pairs  and   tried to make dialogues in this Tense. We talked about Present, Past, Future forms of  Passive Voice. Also we  had   a  small   dictation  of  words,  as  usually.

Besides, we talked about pairs for the our dialogues - some from us does not  find it yet)) WE WILL BE SEARCH!

понедельник, 20 апреля 2015 г.


You must do good deal, without asking anything in return....
(делай добро, не требуя ничего взамен)

Forest Gumpt was a boy with a sore(больные) feet and he could not run. He had not any friends at school...Еxcept for one girl Jenny...He taught  to read her and she taught to run Forest. He had a mother - she believed that he would become a successful person in the life! She was a great person for him! She always said to him- Forest-you are just like everyone else! Do not let anyone think that they are better than you!

He have finished the school very good, after that became a successful man thanks to his mother. Forest was in the army, on the Vietnam War,where met Bengamin, who wanted to started the shrimpt business, but he was cilled. Forest had a shrimp business with his friend leytenant Den Teylor. He did everything  just did not set goals. He was an millionare, but he did not think about it! He became the best gamer of tennis, he even met with the President! 

Iiked this story,that he remained true, friendly in the each of the life situtations.  I liked his good soul, open heart to everybody! Forest was a good friend, he loved people very much!
But all this time he thought about Jenny, who became a singer and lived  not very well. And soon she retunded to him with a small boy! This boy was a sun ofForest! He was glad that Jenny returned and that he will be has a family! 

I liked that it was a good father for his son. After Jenny"s death Forest often came to her grave with her son and spoke with her! This is a very touching scene for me.


четверг, 16 апреля 2015 г.

Week 28. Newspaper project. Questions. Unordinary person from my virtual class. Forrest Gump.

WEEK 28 

13-of April -20 of April. 

Topic : Newspaper project. Questions again. 

During  the 28  week of my learning the English course (13.04.,17.04.2015) teacher started from the topic: questions, kinds of its in English. 

It is: 1) general;  
         4)with ending is/does not it? 
         5) Who...?What..? 

We answered  on these questions and built own. It was really cool part lesson for me! And it was useful for me - it helped me understand more about the types of its. 

Also we talked about Paska a little, and had the dialogues in pairs about this holiday. By the way, we used all types of the questions in our dialogues, which we are learning now.

By the way, we have watched a nice video about a raining by the water in Lviv. It is cool tradition of this city!! It was great video! 

Besides we watched a catroon about Jesus Christ, his crucifixion and resurrection. It was cool video too! 
Then Ruslana talked about the next topic for us. We must to find a partner 
(classmater) for the one of exersice from this topic and work in the pairs and we must to make a dialouge with the partner about him/ her creation (творчість).
                          "Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get".
 Also we must to watch a film "Forest Gamp" and after must to write our impressions about this movie and retell it in the site Vocaroo.

Ruslana asked everybody what is the main idea of the film Forrest Gump. Ruslana showed a piece of film and we have disscussed it. We read the text about this person and I suddenly was proud of the person of this story... It is really great men!!

Also we make the different types of the questions about this text. Later we make all types of the questions,which we are learning now.(Our topic in these weeks).
We had a little test about this film. That is all!  
Thank the teacher for the interesting lesson!

In the face-to-face meeting(the fifteenth of April) we wrote a dictation of the werbs and then we started to learn the new topic - Present Passive Voice. I have learnt it topic before, but I understood that i must to remember and repeat something from it again.The werb TO BE changes in this time (Passive).Pupils made a dialogues in Present Passive and the teacher tried to explain this topic for everybody. 

We talked about present, past, future of the Passive voice. We tried to make a sentenses  in the Passive Voice from the Present Simple. We had to do it quickly, but I can"t do quickly anything. I need the several time to think. 

That is all about this week. Thank all readers and our teachers!

суббота, 11 апреля 2015 г.

Week 27. Date: 06-th-13-th of April. Easter. Carnival. Questions. Computer guru

WEEK 27.   06-of April-13 of April. 
Topic : Easter. Carnaval.  Questions.

On the on-line lessons  (06.04.,10.04.2015) Ruslana started from the  new topic- about the different kinds of the questions in English. 

There  are 5 types of  questions in English language:

1)general questions - (загальні);
2)special questions - (спеціальні);
3)disjunctive questions- (питання з хвостиком);
4)alternativ questions-(питання вибору);
5) who? what?( питання до підмета)

Ruslana explained how these sentences are formed.This topic was a  quite  difficult for me, because I don"t remember it  from the  school program.  But  I  will  learn  it- this  is a very important  for  me! 

This lesson combined the grammatical with the computer  topic. It was cool for me! I like  these  little  computer  tasks  which our teacher prepares for us–I  learn English  grammar  and  create  something new  interesting on this computer site! (two in one) - (два в одном).

By  the  way,  I  could't  think  before  that I may to learnt  how do the computer  sites myself! I had to create  a  website  Vocarro and  I  done  it!

And  our  grammar  homework  was :  read the text about Bill Gates-he is the computer guru. Ruslana explained the grammar tasks  about this exersice.   

Then  the  teacher  analized  our Vocaroo (the computer part of the lesson)–we  have created  it  last week. There was a few nuances in oursVocarro  but  it was  really  cool (for  me).  Ruslana  commended  our  homeworks  in  Edmodo  used  this  site (Vocaroo, I mean). It was super! 

We remembered the last  lesson about the book Karnaval and have discussed about this story-adventures, which  happened with the main persons. It was an advanture story!  

We talked about the main holiday of all Christianpeople  -  Willow Sunday (Вербна Недiля) and Easter, about the traditions of these holidays. 

In  the  face – to- face   meeting  (08- of April)  we had a very interesting  lesson. We talked about Easter  almost  all lesson. We read, retold the text about this holiday, learnt a lot of new words in this topic. Then we played  in the game FIND AN EGG We must to found  the  eggs  in  the  room, using the words, which we have learnt- UNDER,OVER,ON,IN,OPOSITE, BETWEEN.  
Besides we had a few exersises:       
a) multiple choice;
b) put the text back together;
 c) scrambled sentences;
 d) spelling ;
e) choose the correct word.

That all ! HAPPY EASTER!

Easter is one of the most important holiday for Christians of all churches. It commemorates the ressufection of Jesus Christ. A lot of Christian believe that Jesus was crucified (розпятий) on the cross for the sins (за грiхи) of all people on the Earth. He hung(висiв) for two days, then he was died on it. The Jesus Christ's body was buried  in the cave by his followers. Tree days later he ascended (вознiсся) to the  heaven.

After his crucifixion (розп’яття)his disciples (ученики) came to the cave but saw nobody in it. They saw an angel who said them that Jesus was not here - he has risen and came to the heaven. 

After his ressurection  Jesus came  to the Earth several times and everyone believed that he is really  God!!

This year we celebrate Sunday in the twelfth of April. It is a very important  time  for  all  churches : there  are special songs, which  people  sing in its. Also they light a special Pascal  candles before  Easter  there.

All people bake paski  in this holiday-it is a  main element of Easter. Also they go to the churches in the worships (Богослужіння).

It it  very light holiday, which gives a hope and believe  for the better!!!

пятница, 3 апреля 2015 г.

week 26.Topic : Hans Andersen"s tales. Homereading. About carnaval. Present Continuous.

Week 26.

Date -  31-th of March- 04-th of April.

Topic : Hans Andersen"s tales. Homereading.  About carnaval. Present Continuous. Willow Sunday.

During  the 26 week (31.03, 04.04.2015) our  teacher Ruslana showed a several photos of her trip to Odessa students. It was a really super pictures!!There was a lot of gifts to the teacher from them (we could see its on the photos). And we could see the Odessa group on its. 

And we repeated a gramma-it was an irregular verbs again. Then we read and discussed our homework - the little  story about young boy and girl, theirs meeting at the festival in London and theirs adventuries in it. This story called "Carnival".  

We listened the Amstrong"s song - i like this singer! Then we talked about a holidays as Easter and Willow Sunday, about selebration and traditions of it in different coutries! Ruslana showed a  nice videos about these holidays! 

We had a little grammar part of the lessson- we translated a song and exsplained in which tense (Past simple or Present Continuous tense) it was written! Then we talked about the werb TO BE in the different forms. 

Then Ruslana showed our homeworks on Edmodo and analised its. 

I understood that i must mobilize myself and work with my lessons a little attentive)!!!!!!!!!!!!!(I criticated myself a little)....

In the face-to-face meeting( the firth of April)  we repeated the topic about people"s characters (words)and described everybody of the classmaters....(we had a paper with the pictures of the person and adjectives under the each picture). It was very funny as for me! 

We started the new topic- about  a great holiday- it is an Easter! We read the text about this holiday, had a little listening.(аудіювання). I saw  a many new words in this text. I must to learn its! 

We talked about Easter"s traditions. It was cool lesson for us!!!!