суббота, 11 апреля 2015 г.

Week 27. Date: 06-th-13-th of April. Easter. Carnival. Questions. Computer guru

WEEK 27.   06-of April-13 of April. 
Topic : Easter. Carnaval.  Questions.

On the on-line lessons  (06.04.,10.04.2015) Ruslana started from the  new topic- about the different kinds of the questions in English. 

There  are 5 types of  questions in English language:

1)general questions - (загальні);
2)special questions - (спеціальні);
3)disjunctive questions- (питання з хвостиком);
4)alternativ questions-(питання вибору);
5) who? what?( питання до підмета)

Ruslana explained how these sentences are formed.This topic was a  quite  difficult for me, because I don"t remember it  from the  school program.  But  I  will  learn  it- this  is a very important  for  me! 

This lesson combined the grammatical with the computer  topic. It was cool for me! I like  these  little  computer  tasks  which our teacher prepares for us–I  learn English  grammar  and  create  something new  interesting on this computer site! (two in one) - (два в одном).

By  the  way,  I  could't  think  before  that I may to learnt  how do the computer  sites myself! I had to create  a  website  Vocarro and  I  done  it!

And  our  grammar  homework  was :  read the text about Bill Gates-he is the computer guru. Ruslana explained the grammar tasks  about this exersice.   

Then  the  teacher  analized  our Vocaroo (the computer part of the lesson)–we  have created  it  last week. There was a few nuances in oursVocarro  but  it was  really  cool (for  me).  Ruslana  commended  our  homeworks  in  Edmodo  used  this  site (Vocaroo, I mean). It was super! 

We remembered the last  lesson about the book Karnaval and have discussed about this story-adventures, which  happened with the main persons. It was an advanture story!  

We talked about the main holiday of all Christianpeople  -  Willow Sunday (Вербна Недiля) and Easter, about the traditions of these holidays. 

In  the  face – to- face   meeting  (08- of April)  we had a very interesting  lesson. We talked about Easter  almost  all lesson. We read, retold the text about this holiday, learnt a lot of new words in this topic. Then we played  in the game FIND AN EGG We must to found  the  eggs  in  the  room, using the words, which we have learnt- UNDER,OVER,ON,IN,OPOSITE, BETWEEN.  
Besides we had a few exersises:       
a) multiple choice;
b) put the text back together;
 c) scrambled sentences;
 d) spelling ;
e) choose the correct word.

That all ! HAPPY EASTER!

Easter is one of the most important holiday for Christians of all churches. It commemorates the ressufection of Jesus Christ. A lot of Christian believe that Jesus was crucified (розпятий) on the cross for the sins (за грiхи) of all people on the Earth. He hung(висiв) for two days, then he was died on it. The Jesus Christ's body was buried  in the cave by his followers. Tree days later he ascended (вознiсся) to the  heaven.

After his crucifixion (розп’яття)his disciples (ученики) came to the cave but saw nobody in it. They saw an angel who said them that Jesus was not here - he has risen and came to the heaven. 

After his ressurection  Jesus came  to the Earth several times and everyone believed that he is really  God!!

This year we celebrate Sunday in the twelfth of April. It is a very important  time  for  all  churches : there  are special songs, which  people  sing in its. Also they light a special Pascal  candles before  Easter  there.

All people bake paski  in this holiday-it is a  main element of Easter. Also they go to the churches in the worships (Богослужіння).

It it  very light holiday, which gives a hope and believe  for the better!!!

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