понедельник, 20 апреля 2015 г.


You must do good deal, without asking anything in return....
(делай добро, не требуя ничего взамен)

Forest Gumpt was a boy with a sore(больные) feet and he could not run. He had not any friends at school...Еxcept for one girl Jenny...He taught  to read her and she taught to run Forest. He had a mother - she believed that he would become a successful person in the life! She was a great person for him! She always said to him- Forest-you are just like everyone else! Do not let anyone think that they are better than you!

He have finished the school very good, after that became a successful man thanks to his mother. Forest was in the army, on the Vietnam War,where met Bengamin, who wanted to started the shrimpt business, but he was cilled. Forest had a shrimp business with his friend leytenant Den Teylor. He did everything  just did not set goals. He was an millionare, but he did not think about it! He became the best gamer of tennis, he even met with the President! 

Iiked this story,that he remained true, friendly in the each of the life situtations.  I liked his good soul, open heart to everybody! Forest was a good friend, he loved people very much!
But all this time he thought about Jenny, who became a singer and lived  not very well. And soon she retunded to him with a small boy! This boy was a sun ofForest! He was glad that Jenny returned and that he will be has a family! 

I liked that it was a good father for his son. After Jenny"s death Forest often came to her grave with her son and spoke with her! This is a very touching scene for me.


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