вторник, 27 января 2015 г.

My beautiful homeplants!!!!

Today is 26 th of  January,   the  Monday. 

 I  am  at  home  today  and   look out the window,  where is  quietly  falling  snow. I have  a not big flat,  but  I  have a  lot  of  plants  on the all  windows in it. 

 And  today I want to  tell  about  the  one my  pleasure  hobby – about of the houseplants.  I am interested in a growing of  its  for  about  twelve  years ago. At first I had a few kinds of the flowers – it was generally cactuses and the pelargonies. I liked to take care of them and I always waited, when my first plants began  to bloom. And I was very glad, when I saw the first flowers on my plants! And  somebody  of  my friend ( I don't remember who it was) gave me unusual plant –  the  people call  it the  tree  of money.  This is tree  long- liver,(долгожитель) because it lives in my flat  for  about  twelve  years. It is a tree- mother, because I  had  a  lot  of  outgrowth ( отростки)  from it.

When I begun to study in the University, I continue to grow the plants and soon my room in the hostel / dormitory (общежитие) was furnished (обставлена) by a lot of kinds of flowers. We often had a visitors - classmates  in our room  and they admired (милувались) by its. 

Sometimes i  went home for the weekend and necessarily bought a some new flowers. Soon I understood that the flowers is my hobby. When i have finished the University I created a little winter  garden  at home .

Now I  have  about  twenty-five various  kinds of plants – there is a lilies, cactuses, violets, callas, reo, house roses.  When  they start to bloom, the smell stands across the room. I  stand them  in  the  yard  in  summer  still  the  autumn. 

By the way my tree  of  money   is   a  very- very   large  now.  I wait when it begins to bloom.  By the way, a lot of scientists have propen (доказали) that some of the  flowers has  a  useful  property ( властивість)- relieve fatigue (знімають  втому) and give the power (надають сил).

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