четверг, 26 февраля 2015 г.

A little about Goethe and a spring!


 Stop a moment, you're beautiful!
                                               GOETHE FAUST

Good everning, my dear friend! I  am glad that you read my blog!

 Do you hear the fresh breath of spring? I want to write to you a few words about  this beautiful time of year- spring. For example,as for me, i was waiting this amazing beautiful girl for a long time!

I like this season beacause as for me, it 
brings a positive emotions, a lot of new ideas, something any new thoughts for every person! The soul  alive after winter sleep!

The nature is updates every day!Somewhere you can hear the timid voice of any first spring bird! Also when you go by the street, you can see how are any trees wake up from winter sleep!  

Stop for the moment and fill  the air of spring!  Finally it cames!!! Her steps are very carefull but sure!( рішучі). And i want to say- unredible in the forest now! Although a little cold, but the forest comes alives and appears the first spring flowers in it! 

But today we are busyby own business,  thouths, thats why everyboy from us lost the ability to observe and admire the beauty of spring.

Now is the time of the high technologies, I agree, but a lot of  from as have forgot, when he/she was in the forest, which is a wonderfull sunset, what a beautiful song in Spring birds that sing to us that spring has comes soon!

Ok, it is a little direction from the topac about spring.I want to say, that all nature comes to life with the advent of the spingI want to stop for a moment among the srtet and say- STOP THE MOMENT- YOU ARE BEATIFUL!!!

I want to put emphasis on the coming of spring.
Spring- it is time of the year, which brings in the people"s lives something positive, new, kindness!

With spring everybody!!!!!! 


суббота, 21 февраля 2015 г.

Topic about travelling

Topic: travelling
Date: 16 th-22d of February

On line - meeting (16.02., and 20. 02.2015) we  started from the discussion of the Valentine's  Day -  each  of  us  have  told  how  we  held the celebration  it.  Then our   teacher  showed   to  us  a  few  really   beautiful  presentations   of   the  some   our   students,   how  they  celebrated   it.  It was   the very   romantic   collages!  

Also   Ruslana   showed  a  small  movie  and  the  cartoon   about  Maslyana . This   holiday   means for the people is the end  of winter. It  video  showed  us  alltraditions of  celebrating  in  the  our country by  it.  People  start to celebration   it  from   the  twenty - fourth  of  the  February   and  finished   by  the  second  of  March.  (7 days). During  this   holyday  there  are a lot of  festivals,  people  bake pancakes, organize  costumed presentation, go  by  the   streets,  burns   the  symbol  of  winter.   People  want to show, that the   winter   came to an end.
Later we remembed about the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred... We  have discussed about this sad period of our country. Then our teacher  showed us the horoskop and we spoke who is who(what of kind of animals we are). It was very cool and funny exersices-relaxe minutes, as for me). I would like to note that the teacher always  try to builds all lessons very creative. Her lessons are really interesting. I would like to note that she talked about the traditions of other countries, which is cognitive and usefull for all pupils! The teacher showed us the site of Vicipedia... I want to say that it is a usefull site!!! 
We watched a small video about the celebration of New Year in China- the twelve of the February. The teacher explained a few nuanses about this holiday in that country. Then everybody of us have  told where they had rest last year. 
Also we read the text about super hotel from the article.( IT IS REALLY SUPER HOTEL, AS FOR MY OPINION). 

 In the face- to – face  (18. 02.2015)  we  had  the   INTERESTING AND SUPER  LESSON!!!! At  first we re - telling  the   text   about  the  President  Lincoln - biography and politic  activity of this person.Teachergave us a few interesting grammar exersises in this topic.  It was easy for us! And   then  we   started  the  new  topic  -  about  the  travelling.  We  worked  in  the  pairs  and   tried  to   make   a  dialogues ( role- play),  in   which  we  learned  to buy  and  bought   a ticket  to our  favorite   country. Also we   had   a  small   dictation  of  words, as  usually .This  lesson  was  a  very  productive !

Topic 20 A few words about my travels.........

Week 20.

Topic: Travelling
Date: 16 th-23- d of February

About my travels.....

I like to  travel  by  our  country.  Since  childhood I  begun  to  go  in the  different  sanatoriums of the  Ukraine. I often  went in the   sanatories in the Crimea from 1991.. I  familiar  with a lot of  children  and  had a lot of  friends there.  We   wrote  a   lot  of  letters everybody.  Some  of  them I  support   connectivity   today.  I  liked  this trips to the sanatoriums…Why?  Because  they did my life  fun and  saturated. 

After  my  graduation ,when I have  already work, I was lucky  to visit the Carpathians!! One of my favorite activity or even hobby is the photography! I always took a camera with me  and  made a lot of  photos  by  the most beautiful places of the Carpathians! I was struck by the grandeur of the mountains, I can not describe all the beauty that I have  seen there!! I was pleasantly surprised by how hardworking people out there - every house is so neat and everywhere there are flowers- near each house, on the balconies !!Also I saw, that all, who lives there, have own a small piece of kaleyard (огородик) hige (высоко) in the mountains! I was in Autumn there, when  the  forest was decorated in different colors! It was so uncredible! I climbed (поднималась) into the mountains and  saw  the  sunset  in it! This process can not describe by any words - how beautiful it! I saw the one amathing group of  mountains- their name is MYRAZH, beacause  they can be seen only when the sun shines brightly. Besides, there are a lot of mountain streams  there.

And it was surprised for me,when i knew that all people who live there have a small  gardens in the mountains. All people are very hard-working there. That is all about my travel, dear reader!   

воскресенье, 15 февраля 2015 г.

Topic: President"s Day. Abraham Lincoln, Valentin"s Day.

 1 Week 19. Data -  9 th – 16th  of February.

Topic: President"s Day. Abraham Lincoln.

The 19th week of my learning the English course  was really  interesting for we. Beacause we talked about  the difference between the words either, neither, too. Besides, we talked about pleasure theme- Valentine Day and it was a romantic part of lesson for me. Teacher asked everybody, how they selebrate it holiday and what kind of gifts we take for our husband/ wife on it. Then we watched  a very beautiful cartoon about lovers. It was a very interesting lesson.

In the face-to-face meeting our topic about A. L. At first the teacher talked for us about all Presidents of the USA,  when and how  Anericans selebrate this holiday. She told us that there as a forty- four Presidents  in the USA, but we begun to learn about Abraham Lincoln,  his politic activity and his biography too.

Week 19. Date 9th- 19th of February. Topic :President"s Day - .Abraham Lincoln

A few worlds about the first american President A. Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln, the 16-th President of USA, who opposite slavery, was born on February, 12, 1809, in Centuccy, district Hodgenville in a poor family. He had  one sister and brother, but brother  died in childhood. His family lived in the small log cabin house, where were only  the one room. Boy worked as the  postmaster, the  shopkeeper and the surveyor.
When he was 7 year old, all family moved to Indiana, and later- to Illinoys, where  he worked in a  general store. Lincoln have finished  only one class and he said  it was enough for him. The boy able to read and write and this knowledge was enough for him 

In 1842 he married abd had four children, but three of them was died. He had own business, but it was failed soon. Many people  have left the business without paying loans, but this man stayed and worked pay off his debt.

People called him the "Great Emancipator" beacause this politic man in 1863 declared that all slaves were free. Also he sponsored the thirteenth Amendnent  to the Constitution of the USA.   
 But this politic event take place after his asassiation in 1865 in April.   

After the election in 1865 the President Abraham went to the theatre with his friend and was assassinated by an actor there. Сiller"s name was George Boot. It happened on Passionate Friday, April, 14.He died April, 15,1865, in Washington.

Nine months later  after his assassinated  in 1865 this amandment completely  outawed slavery in USA. 

Abraham Lincoln was a funeral in the Springfield in 1865.Years  of his presidency were 1860 and 1865.

четверг, 12 февраля 2015 г.


    We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail.
Мы не устанем, мы не будем колебаться, и мы не подведём. 
                                                                                     (George W. Bush Young)

American people  celebrate President's Day  in the third Monday of the  February annually. This holiday is a very important  for everybody of  them. The history of this event begun from the February 1782. Then the Richmond city- (district Wirginia,USA) organized the first public celebration of the birthday  by George  Washington. This person  was the first president of the USA and he was born on the February,22.1732 year.

At the nineteenth century this day became the national holiday for each American person. There was a lot of luxurious balls, where a many politic men delivered their own  political speeches for  the political topics. The ordinary Americans at that time were carried out carousing(проводили пирушки) in a  taverns and a  bars. 

In 1885 year the 22 of  the February Americans desided to  announce this date as a national holiday in  the honor( честь)  of the Washington"s birthday.  But  in 1971  came into the power a legislative( законодавчий) law of the Congress, which made simple( упростил)some  federal holidays in USA. And the national holiday (Washington"s Day) too.  President Richard Milhous Nixon in the 1971 said that people had"t  celebrate the day of  the one president holiday only - they must to selebrate holiday of the all presidents, which were in the president posts in the USA.That"s  why in our days the third Monday of the February a lot of Americans celebrates it  as the Day of the all presidents of the USA. But officially this holiday dont be as a law, that"s why  the many districts of the USA selebrate it as the Washington"s birthday.

In this day don"t work any shops, offices, and this day isa day  of sales. At all schools take place the lessons about Lincoln and Washington,  the history of these men, theirs  politic activity.    

суббота, 7 февраля 2015 г.

A little about neither..no..

A little about neither..no...

1. Week 18.
 Date -  3th of February – 6th of  February.
Topic:   A little about neither..no...

In the face-to-face meeting (the fourth of February-(04.02.2015) we followed the topic of  irregular /regular verbs with the help of the ball game: the teacher threw the ball to each of us, calling the verb in the Ukrainian language and we caught it and translated the verb in Enlgish. This  game needed from each of us instant reactions for her questions. Also we worked  a few exercises  from the control work, which gave for us teacher as homework. Also we played in business game, taught countable and uncountable nouns again.

 During the 18-th week of my learning the English course (06.02.2015) on- line meeting we watched a little video about the selebration the Day of Groundhog (день сурка ) in USA. Each of us told what he knows about that day. 

Our teacher showed us how we can use the site Vicipedia. I heard about it, but never work with this site  before. It really super! 

We start to learn the grammar theme Neither.. No. I did not learn it before unfortunately. And teacher prepared for us a few lines from the poem by Shakespeare's Hamlet - we read and translated it. And, of course,was a very interesting communication among students. There was a lot of pupils in the chat this week and we had a  conversation about our studing on this course and about plans for the future after finished it.  

пятница, 6 февраля 2015 г.


Winter..... It is the most favourite season for me! I like it, beacause there are a lot of  holidays in this time, such as a St. Nicolas Day,  New Year and Christmas. 

This season is a really magical for me. I like, when there are a 
lot of snow is on the ground, when there is a New Year Tree 
stands in the room and the smell of mandarins  feels in the 
whole house.At such moments my  thoughts go back me in my 

This year the winter is so beautiful! It brought for us a frozen 
weather, a lot of snow and dressed all trees in the incredibly 

When i walk the streets of my village, i have feeling as i am in 
the tale!

воскресенье, 1 февраля 2015 г.

Money. Сountable and uncountable nouns.

 Date -  26 th of January – 2 nd of  February.
Topic:  Money. Countable and uncountable nouns.

During  the 17-th week of my learning the English course we continued to  talk about money and the currencies again. Besides we began to study the countable and the  uncountable nouns. The teacher explained to  us  the correct pronunciation of the currency. After that we did exercises about the prices.This part of the lesson was easy for me.

The teacher made some interesting nuances in the lesson: it was role-playing game about money. We had been to work in pairs: one of us was the saleman and another was the buyer. We  imagined that we were in the real shop and  went to the different departments of it and bought a few of the products in its.(We used the cash lexicon). I think this kind of exercise helps to develop everybody from the students the flexibility of thinking. ( гибкость мышления).This part of the lesson was a little hard for me, beacause i could not answer for the questions quickly. I need a little time before my answers. But I will be work about myself in this moment.  

In the face-to-face meeting( the twenty-eight of January) we worked with the text about the currencies, such as Euro, dollars and yena. At first we read the text about currency, when we translated  and tried to retold it. I want to say, that retold  was easy for me. Also we had the dictation of the words in the Past Simple. In generally i liked the dictations. Our teacher gave everybody the interesting exersise-the text with the words- perevertishy (слова- перевёртыши). We had to find it and did the right words from them.