четверг, 12 февраля 2015 г.


    We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail.
Мы не устанем, мы не будем колебаться, и мы не подведём. 
                                                                                     (George W. Bush Young)

American people  celebrate President's Day  in the third Monday of the  February annually. This holiday is a very important  for everybody of  them. The history of this event begun from the February 1782. Then the Richmond city- (district Wirginia,USA) organized the first public celebration of the birthday  by George  Washington. This person  was the first president of the USA and he was born on the February,22.1732 year.

At the nineteenth century this day became the national holiday for each American person. There was a lot of luxurious balls, where a many politic men delivered their own  political speeches for  the political topics. The ordinary Americans at that time were carried out carousing(проводили пирушки) in a  taverns and a  bars. 

In 1885 year the 22 of  the February Americans desided to  announce this date as a national holiday in  the honor( честь)  of the Washington"s birthday.  But  in 1971  came into the power a legislative( законодавчий) law of the Congress, which made simple( упростил)some  federal holidays in USA. And the national holiday (Washington"s Day) too.  President Richard Milhous Nixon in the 1971 said that people had"t  celebrate the day of  the one president holiday only - they must to selebrate holiday of the all presidents, which were in the president posts in the USA.That"s  why in our days the third Monday of the February a lot of Americans celebrates it  as the Day of the all presidents of the USA. But officially this holiday dont be as a law, that"s why  the many districts of the USA selebrate it as the Washington"s birthday.

In this day don"t work any shops, offices, and this day isa day  of sales. At all schools take place the lessons about Lincoln and Washington,  the history of these men, theirs  politic activity.    

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