Любовь — это не привычка, не компромисс, не сомнение. Это не то, чему учит нас романтическая музыка. Любовь — есть… Без уточнений и определений. Люби — и не спрашивай. Просто люби. /Пауло Коэльо
According to the Gold legend, the holiday Valentine's Day has its origins in Rome. Cruel Roman Emperor Claudius II came to the conclusion that a single man without a wife would be better to fight on the battlefield and forbade men to marry, and women and girls - to got married.
But in that time in Rome lived a man - Valentine, who was the ordinary field doctor and the priest.He sympathized unhappy people in love and secretly, night sanctified marriage loving men and women. It vas a great secret for everybody.
Soon the Emperor knew about the Valentine's secret and ordered to put him in jail and sentenced to death. In the prison Valentine met the beautiful and pretty daughter of the warden, whose name was Julia and he failed in love. Before the treasure Valentine wrote the letter for her(Valentine letter) - the declaration in love and signed it - YOUR VALENTINE. She read it after him execution. This event occurred on February 14 th of February in 269 year . Later it became known as St. Valentine.
In our days this tradition has been celebrates in many countries. A lot of young people who falled in love give each other a lot of different gifts: the Valentines postcards with the beautiful inscriptions. Besides they gave the gifts, flowers and toys. This holiday is celebrated in our country for quite long time too.
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