суббота, 21 марта 2015 г.

Week 24. 16-th-23-th of March. About Ireland and homereading.Solar eclipse. The story about the Tinker"s island.Homereading

Week 24
Date-16th of March- 23-d of March.
Topic - Homereading. Some facts about Ireland. 

During  the 24  week (16.03,20.03.2015) we  talked about selebration of the St. Patric day, which selebrated in Ireland every year. Also the teacher told us about the culture of this country, its traditions. Ruslana told us where is Ireland situated, showed the map of this country  has told and symboles in the flag of it. We saw a piece of the nice Ireland dance.  

Also we talked about the mythical person, (leprecon), who saves the treasures from everybody. After that we read the text, in which we tried to find the irregular verbs. And we made a few sentences with verbs in Past simple.


20.03.2015 we spoke about the solar eclipse, which was in this day. The teacher showed us a fragment of it.Then we retold the story  about  the adventures of the girl and her father in the island.(Tinker"s island).We  have discussed this story. I did not read this story, that is i kept the silent, when the teacher Ruslana asked me, about what this story.Oоps)) 

In the face-to-face meeting( the twenty-fifth  of March ) we have read the text about St.Patrick"s Day,retold it. Also we did some grammar exersices about it topic:  1)we put the correct words in the text(it was easy for me);
2)We did multiple choice (it was easy for me); 
 3) we spelt the jumbled words correctly (It was listeningаудіювання)-it was easy too).  I saw a lot of new words  in the text for themself.  I must to learn its! 

Then the teacher gave us a topic about people"s character (words) and we had to described the one of the classmaters....(we had a paper with the pictures of the person with the and adjectives under the each picture). It was funny and joke! But a lot of words i don"t know... I must to learn its!  

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